Hugs and Bugs, Work and Worship
The Honduras Mission Trip During the New Years’ break, our eleven Pioneer Youth Mission volunteers served at the Hogar de Niños (children’s home) conducting a day camp for about 75-90 children from the Hogar and the local community. The camp, directed by Scott Schalk, provided Bible class, music, crafts, health and sports activities each day. Afternoons and evenings were spent with the children at the Hogar de Niños operated by REACH International.
Additionally the team conducted worships each evening and on Sabbaths. Thanks to generous donations to Pioneer Youth Missions we were able to provide 65 families with food for an entire month. Glenn Russell described the team’s experience:
“Pioneer Youth Missions teams have been coming to this special place in Honduras for 25 years. Our lives are blessed by the hugs, prayers, laughter and worship together with these precious children. And we are inspired by the dedicated staff at the home. It was a privilege to support and assist in their service for God.”
Glenn Russell, Pioneer Youth Missions director
Scott Schalk, Pioneer Friendship Camp director