Young filmmaker Christopher Hudson has pulled off a headline-grabbing feat. Armed with only a $20,000 budget raised through crowd-funding and gifted with remarkable talent for cutting edge camera work and music/script editing, Hudson directs and stars in this 1:26:00 length docudrama, “Leopard Vision.” Since its September 7 release on YouTube, the movie has gone viral (194,000 YouTube views in less than three weeks). Critics are weighing in, including Hyperfresh, an independent pop culture magazine, which gave “Leopard Vision” a five-star movie review. For a Seventh-day Adventist filmmaker?
It was late in the evening when I got an email this week with one sentence—check out this link. I did. Turns out it was a news piece written by Andrew McChesney for the Adventist Review online. I’d never heard of Christopher Hudson—who grew up an Adventist kid on Long Island but left it all at the age of 19 to hitch his wagon to another star. Began writing “treatments for music videos.” Finally caught a break with Madonna’s production company MadGuy Films. But in the flush of success God caught him. Again. And now “Leopard Vision.”
What struck me—before even watching—was the strong review from Hyperfresh: “Christopher Hudson. Better known globally as the ‘The Forerunner’ has done the unthinkable, in which no man has ever set forth to accomplish, publicly and most importantly—personally. His newest motion picture/documentary ‘Leopard Vision’, reveals the truth behind the biggest hidden agenda in the history of humanity’s existence, which is the decoding of the biblical prophesy [sic] of Revelation in today’s modern times. And this isn’t an ‘opinionated ‘ documentary with assumptions conjured forth by his feelings’ or ‘emotions’. Christopher Hudson uses historical facts proven to be correct in verification of his thesis. . . . By also incorporating Biblical Doctrine and living scripture to confirm this to be evident and true, after watching this film, prepare your mind to be blown out the skull it once rested in” (http://hypefreshmag.com/leopard-vision-delivers-a-powerful-message-all-should-watch/ ).
Hudson’s theme? McChesney wrote: “It’s a Revelation prophecy seminar unlike any you’ve ever witnessed. . . . a hip, fast-paced film that has gone viral on YouTube and . . . . traces the history of the Catholic church while underscoring what Hudson sees as the central theme of the last book of the Bible: that the book is a revelation of Jesus Christ, not of political powers or false systems of worship” (http://www.adventistreview.org/church-news/story3250-young-adventist-filmmaker-turns-bible-prophecy-into-youtube-hit).
Clicking on to the YouTube link, I quickly realized McChesney and Hyperfresh were right—“Leopard Vision” is powerful stuff! Thought I’d catch maybe the first five or 10 minutes but sat in front of my laptop for an hour and half, gripped by Hudson’s screen wizardry, his compelling script and emotive sound track.
On this weekend when the nation and world are mesmerized by the news media’s live coverage of someone who is arguably the most popular human being on the planet today, “Leopard Vision” is a commanding reminder that beyond charisma and news cycles is the unstoppable advance of apocalyptic prophecy—prophecy that is sounding ominously more familiar with each fresh headline. Never read that prophecy before or can’t remember it now? Christopher Hudson’s new tutorial or refresher movie will take care of that—click on to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYiXc34-FCk.
In fact do your friends a favor—simply forward this blog with its embedded links or send them the link yourself. Either way wouldn’t this be the right time for the halogen light of prophecy to illumine the gathering darkness?