We’re just three days into the MORE+ Conference. It seems that many of us realized that, indeed, we do need “MORE+. Our collective hunger and thirst brought nearly a full house on the opening night (Sunday), and an even higher attendance on Monday and Tuesday nights. To be present was to be overwhelmed with the expectation of what God could do with our desire for MORE+ of Him.
Organizers pondered long about the best arrangements to allow for strong interaction among attendees for personal sharing, the reading of Scripture, and prayer. Every third row is empty to encourage this interaction while minimalizing disturbance from nearby groups.
We’ve been reminded that when we stand in awe of God we can stand (up) with courage before anyone. When we know and trust God’s word, we will follow wherever He leads. Last night we focused on heart-healing. God promised to take our heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh as we learn to forgive. Healing relationships is a pillar of revival.
The meetings continue:
Wednesday to Friday at 7 PM
Sabbath 9 am or 11:45 am
Sabbath 4 PM (Be sure to bring something to write with.)
Some of those attending the meetings have shared the following:
“Everyone needs more of Jesus, and Jesus needs more of us—more of our schedules, our priorities, our lives. The more we give to Jesus of ourselves, the more freedom we find in Him. The MORE+ Conference is helping us to learn how to do that, and I am confident that our time together can be the beginning of the great things, for the glory of God, and for our relationship with Him.“ — Shane Anderson
“God is using the MORE+ meetings to make changes in my life. I can see God‘s hand working in the lives of others as well, as we pray, make new commitments, and share testimonies with each other. I am so thankful for this experience.” — Bryan von Dorpowski
“I’ve found the fast-paced, engaging 70 minutes to be deeply impactful in my personal spiritual journey. The first evenings have already increased my courage to speak of the character of God to others.” — Dave Nowack
“This has been a spiritual adventure that has caused me to think deeply, to connect with people I probably would’ve never met, and dive deeper into scripture.” — Mari Bowerman
“I don’t know if my testimony so far is a great one because it’s more about conviction for my failures. I’ve already seen God work in very deliberate ways after only 2 nights of meetings! I’ve been powerfully convicted that my “orchestrating” the perfect opportunity for outreach to someone is actually hindering the spontaneous and mysterious work of the Holy Spirit. I had something I wanted to share with someone I knew, but the timing seemed inconvenient. The prompting of the Spirit was “go back” but my thought was “they are busy in a coaching session with someone else.” I now see God simply asked me to go back and it was up to Him how he would arrange the meeting. I had a whole long testimony I wanted to give, but I now see that I needed to be open to what God wanted me to say in that moment, however brief. And my ideas of sharing my LONG testimony got in the way of His message for that person in that moment.” — Susan Fenner
“My children, ages 9 and 12, have been attending the MORE + Conference with us and they are paying close attention. The format is interactive, easy to follow, includes a lot of praise and thought provoking for them. Hearing them lift their voices to ask for the coming of the Holy Spirit has brought a special thrill to my heart as it’s not something they typically pray for, but through our attendance each evening they are seeing the importance of. They have expressed gratitude every morning that the MORE+ conference is happening in our church. We’re so grateful for the opportunity to learn to call out to God together as a community.”
“I look around the crowded church at the sincere and eager faces and I ask myself “what if the latter rain falls here on our church and in our community? What if we have such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit here and now that is grows and grows and grows and spreads around the country and around the world? God, pour out Your Spirit on us, open our hearts.” — Darlene Anderson
“The Holy Spirit is raining on us as we seek Him MORE+.” — Janet Ledesma
“I had a burden on my heart for a long time (years even). At the conclusion of the first meeting God’s Spirit orchestrated events for me to visit with two wise advisors who gave clarity to my situation and provided great peace. When God’s people come together to humbly praise and pray, God’s power is unleashed!” — Silvia Bacchiocchi
“It has been incredibly meaningful: the singing, the multi-generational involvement, the participation in groups, the praising and praying, and the potent biblical messages combined with faith-affirming stories. Apart from the spiritual blessings, we really enjoy the community atmosphere, the way the meetings are bring the congregation as a family. The Spirit is moving!” — Debbie and Ante Jeroncic
“I loved very much the confession prayer on our own. God convinced me of many short comings. I’m grateful for that. I think that the core of revival lies in confession.”
“God is still speaking!!! I did not hear God‘s voice speaking to me for a long time. The MORE+ meetings return joy into my heart that I can hear His voice again.”
Another evidence of the Holy Spirit is when relationships are healed. After the first evening, a man who had been carrying a relational burden for 15 years, sought out the “brother” with whom he wanted to reconcile. They spoke that night in the sanctuary, and God brought healing.
A prodigal daughter who recently returned home, attended the meetings and was among the first to respond to the appeal on Monday night.
We hope that hearing these testimonies will encourage you to be part of the journey.