Are you looking forward to Spring? Seniors 55 years and up are invited to the ASM meeting at the Village Church Fellowship Hall March 9 at 1:00 PM Daylight Savings Time. Don’t forget the time change that day! After the potluck, Dr Lois Burn will present “Joy thru Gardening”. Come for a master class in staying healthy and happy as gardening task resume this spring. Call Cheryl Doss at 269-277-0767 with any questions.
Andrews Academy 2021 Baccalaureate
Special ProgramOffering
Opening Music
"Be Not Afraid"; "Allegro Moderato" • Felix Mendelssohn
Kenneth Logan, organ, Minister of Music
Announcements & Opening Prayer
Jenifer Daley, Associate Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church
"Christ for the World" • Kenneth Logan
Kenneth Logan, organ, Minister of Music
RMES Welcome
Jimmy Hajaj, RMES 8th Grade Student
"Open The Eyes of My Heart" • "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)"
Gabi Gonçalves, Leah Reid, Eliel, Ilan Villamizar,vocals; Oscar, violin; Noah, violin; Tim, cello; Nico Poloche, piano; Andre, guitar
Congregational Prayer
Aubrey Isaak & Josh VanDenburgh
Baptisms of Juan Jorge Suarez III and Micah Anthony Suarez
Officiating Pastor: Juan Suarez
Children's Story & Prayer
Story: Leah Reid
Scripture Reading
Dalton Goodbrad, RMES 8th Grade Student
Worship in Music
'Ever Be' - Theme Song from THE TENT
RMES 8th Grade Praise Team
"Unity: Mind, Mission, or Miracle?"
Ben Martin, Associate Pastor
Closing Song
"Oh How Good It Is"
Jenifer Daley, Associate Pastor
Closing Music
"The Heavens Declare God's Glory" • Benedetto Marcello
Kenneth Logan, organ, Minister of Music
Opening Voluntary
"Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow" • attr. Henry Purcell
Kenneth Logan, organ, Minister of Music
"Christ for the World" • Kenneth Logan
Kenneth Logan, organ
Welcome, Call to Worship
Lindsey Pratt, Associate Pastor
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness" • SDAH 100, stz. 1 & 3
Congregational Prayer
Julius Everett
Offering Appeal
Andrew Lubbert
Worship in Music
"Come, Christians, Join to Sing" • Paul Thompson
Peter Tumangday, violin; Sofia Oudri & Sara Hamstra, viola; Lucas Navia, cello
Scripture Reading
Matthew 13:32
Sara Hildebrant
Worship in Music
"You Know Better Than I" • J. Bucchino
Giancarlo Leonor, tenor; Gabriel Krause, piano
"Grow in Faith: Challenge Accepted"
Keila Sanchez
"We Have This Hope" • SDAH 214, st. 1
Sean Parker
Prayer Response
"The Lord Bless You" • SDAH 669
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" • Paul Manz
Kenneth Logan, organ
Lindsey Pratt, Associate Pastor
Closing Voluntary
"Choral Song" • Samuel Wesley
Kenneth Logan, organ, Minister of Music
Pioneer Operating Budget
Author Melvin Santos Speaking: Several years ago, I was studying the subject of motivation and motivational factors that drive people. Some people will use reward or threat to get people to respond such as receiving a paycheck or getting fired. Others use fear and guilt. They create fear of losing something if they don’t act. Some are motivated by statistical measures and defined goals that provide them with a clear benchmark to strive towards. However, I discovered that all these are low-level motivators and only short term.
In the spiritual world, the same principles apply when it comes to giving tithes and offerings. The highest motivation should be our love for Christ in response to His love for us! This stems from a deep, personal connection and commitment that far outweighs any other incentives. “We belong to God; we are His sons and daughters—His by creation, and His by the gift of His only-begotten Son for our redemption. ‘Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price: therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's’” (Counsels on Stewardship, p.72). We give our offerings not to pay for His sacrifice. It wouldn’t even come close, but to show our love for Him.
—North American Division Stewardship Ministries
All eighth-grade students are invited to attend Academy Day on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Come and see the exciting programs Andrews Academy offers and experience one day with us. Lunch will be served, and T-shirts and prizes will be given. Registration is in the gym from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM. Activities will conclude by 3:15 PM. Call 269-471-3138 to RSVP or with any questions you may have.
Students who will be in the 1st through 8th grades next school year are invited to visit Ruth Murdoch Elementary School on March 4. Make friends, meet teachers and have fun!
- Grades 1–6: 8:15 AM–11:30 AM
- Grades 7–8: 8:15 AM–3:30 PM
Parents, please call 269-471-3225 to register.
Parents with students who will be five years old by Sept. 1, 2025, are invited to come meet our Kindergarten teacher, tour the classroom and school, enjoy refreshments, meet other Kindergarten parents, etc. Please call us at 269-471-3225 to let us know you are coming! March 10 6:00 PM. Kindergarten Visitor's Day is the next morning, March 11!
Do you want to complete your Master Guide Program? If so, please consider joining the Master Guide Club that meets weekly on campus to help you complete the requirements.
For more information or to join, please visit
A group of students from Andrews University are preparing to embark on a life-changing mission in March of 2025. They will engage in evangelism, health care, and community outreach in Cuba. This mission trip has been going on for 11 years, and the impact has been tremendous, thanks to your help. Would you support this mission once again by donating right here in your church or give at Thank you for your prayers as they prepare to send off students to serve and share Jesus!