Selah, a contemporary Christian vocal trio, became known for transforming old Christian hymns into songs with a more modern style complete with powerful vocals and beautiful harmonies. Having sold over 4 million records, won 11 Gospel Music Association Dove awards and has over 900 million streams across all digital music platforms, they are now working on their 22nd album in 27 years of performing. Join us on February 2, 2025 at the Howard Performing Arts Center for an inspiring Christian concert. Tickets are available at our website:, or by calling our box office at 269-471-3560.
2nd Hand Faith
Dwight K. NelsonDwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.
More In This Series
#RxF4Now—2nd Hand Faith
- “The Maker of all things loves and wants me.”
- Clinton Meharry’s 5 Foundational Truths from “Jesus Loves Me”:
- #1—When I know I am by Jesus, I am drawn to Him.
- #2—When the conviction that He loves me is based on what the says, rather than my feelings, I will be able to experience inner peace and security, no matter what circumstances I am in.
- #3—When I understand that I to Jesus because He created me and redeemed me, I am free to serve Him out of love and appreciation, rather than out of fear of punishment or a desire to earn His favor.
- #4—When I remember that I am and helpless to do anything good on my own, I will remain humble and dependent on Him.
- #5—When I remember that He is and has already conquered the enemy, I am free to live without fear, trusting in His power and providence every day. (The Compelling Love of God 33)
- But why this reiteration of so simple a truth?
- I am concerned that we may be tempted to think that R x F (justification, sanctification, glorification)—all those dry ancient theological terms—is archaic language to describe theological jurisprudence, legal niceties that allow God to be true to Himself, while still saving abject sinners like us.
- I am concerned that R x F will become more 1888ish and not 2016ish.
- After all R x F is a universal story . . .
- Clinton Meharry’s 5 Foundational Truths from “Jesus Loves Me”:
- Romans 4
- Romans 4:3—what did Abraham do to become righteous?
- Psalm 33:6, 9
- Isaiah 55:11
- John 6:63
- AMEN—I believe!
- “And it was credited to Abraham as righteousness.”
- Romans 4:4-5—“God justifies [acquits/pardons/forgives] the ungodly/the wicked.”
- Camron Schofield: “God says [it], I believe it, I assent to it, and God counts it as righteousness. Can you see how simple it is? It takes a bit of sinking in because it’s almost too simple. In Romans 5:1 it says: ‘Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ We have peace with God. Connect that with Amos 3:3: ‘Can two walk together, except they be agreed?’ If God says a thing and we agree, then we have peace with God. Peace with God is righteousness by faith.” (Heralding the Loud Cry 81)
- Romans 4:17—God is “the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.”
- Gideon—Judges 6:12
- Peter—John 1:42
- Abraham—Romans 4:17
- God calls things that are not yet as though they already .
- Desire of Ages: “God counts the things that are not as though they were. He sees the end from the beginning, and beholds the result of His work as though it were now accomplished.” (606)
- 2nd hand faith is my in the God who has in me.
- Ellen White: “The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through . . . Waggoner and Jones. This message was to bring more prominently before the world the uplifted Saviour, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. . . . Many had lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have their eyes directed to His divine person, His merits, and His changeless love for the human family.” (Testimonies to Ministers 91)
- Camron Schofield: “When we are at that point where, whatever it is that God says to us, we will say, ‘Lord, it is so!’ and we will believe it and assent to it; then Jesus can come soon, very soon! Can you see that? Because God says, ‘Righteousness!’ and even though you don’t see righteousness, if you believe it, there is righteousness. And what’s He waiting for? He’s waiting for righteousness. When He sees His righteous character perfectly reflected in His people, then He will come and take them home. So He is waiting for us to believe, because when we believe, then He can say, ‘There is righteousness, and I can come and take them home.’” (83)
- Romans 4:3—what did Abraham do to become righteous?
Love Like You Mean It begins January 18 through February 22.
- February 1 - "Love is Generous and Love is Easygoing"
- February 8 - "Love is Virtuous and Love is Honest"
- February 15 - "Love is Tenacious and Love Never Fails"
Everyone is Welcome each Sabbath morning to join us in Pioneer Room 141 at 10:30 am,
A group of students from Andrews University are preparing to embark on a life-changing mission in March of 2025. They will engage in evangelism, health care, and community outreach in Cuba. This mission trip has been going on for 11 years, and the impact has been tremendous, thanks to your help. Would you support this mission once again by donating right here in your church or give at Thank you for your prayers as they prepare to send off students to serve and share Jesus!