Galaxy Three: Why What Is Happening a Billion Light Years Away Right Now Matters to You

Galaxy Three: Magnificence in the Middle


Dwight K. Nelson

Dwight Nelson served as lead pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University from 1983 to 2023. During his time at Pioneer he spoke on the “New Perceptions” telecast, taught at the theological seminary and has written books, including The Chosen. He and his wife, Karen, are blessed with two married children and 2 granddaughters.


The King commands the battle for Earth from His throne in Galaxy One. His followers in Galaxy Three are instantly provided with aid an reinforcements the moment they ask. But can such a proxy war be won?
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Opening Voluntary
Rejoice, All You Christians • Ernst Pepping
Sharon Terrell
GROW Groups
JoAnna Moses, Brock Menhardt
Children’s Story
Dwight K. Nelson
Worship in Music
O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High
Kenneth Logan
“Galaxy Three: Why What Is Happening a Billion Light Years Away Right Now Matters to You [Magnificence in the Middle]”
Dwight K. Nelson
Connect Card, Tithes, & Offerings
Closing Hymn
The Wonders of Redeeming Love
179 sung to 108
As We Depart
O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High
David Johnson

More In This Series

The War approaches it's bloody end. The Rebel unleashes his full fury upon the inhabitants of Galaxy Three. The Loyalists cry out to their King for deliverance. How long must they endure? How long...?
The War rages on as the Rebel releases his latest weapon upon the inhabitants of Galaxy Three: a viral infection of "self" rule. Every man, woman and child is infected. What response can the King in Galaxy One bring to counter such a powerful deception?
The disease the Rebel unleashed on Galaxy Three must be not just contained, but completely cleansed from the Galaxy. However, the Council declares that three separate cleansings must be conducted. The universe wonders: Why?
The War rages on. The inhabitants of Galaxy Three groan under it's weight. How can such suffering go unchecked? The universe looks to the King for an answer...
The War has changed. No longer a battle for territory, the Rebel and the King both desire only one thing from the inhabitants of Galaxy Three – Allegiance
When the King left Galaxy One to infiltrate Galaxy Three, there were 270 days during which his whereabouts were unknown. Yet this mystery could hold the key to victory in the long war...
There is a disease in Galaxy Three that threatens the existence of humanity. It's effects are devastating and it carries a 100% fatality rate. But there exists a rare and costly cure...
An intergalactic civil war threatens the existence of the universe. The King of Galaxies battles the tyrannical Rebel who seeks the throne. Now the fate of all life will be decided at the battle for Galaxy Three.

“Galaxy Three: Magnificence in the Middle”

□ Job 16:19-21

• “Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high. My is my

as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man he pleads with God as a man

pleads for his .” (NIV)

• I.e., He is my —just as I am His .

□ Hebrews 3:1/2:17-18; 4:14-16; 7:25

• Four adjectives about the High Priest in Hebrews:

o (3:1)

 William Johnsson: “Because we have such a high priest, the doors of heaven’s temple swing

open wide to welcome us. The command center of the universe no longer holds fear and

uncertainty for us—we there.” (The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier: Hebrews 105)

o (2:17)

 Peter O’Brien: “Nowhere else in the Greek Bible are priests or high priests explicitly said to be

. But again and again the Old Testament asserts that Yahweh is

[Exodus 34:6—the first word of His self-revelation]. . . . The Gospels picture Jesus perfectly

reflecting the character of Yahweh, the one. Jesus is often entreated to

have ‘mercy’ (Matt. 9:27; 15:22; 17:15, and parallels), while this theme turns up in his teaching

(Matt. 5:7; 18:33; Luke 16:24).” (Hebrews 119-120)

o (2:17)

 F. F. Bruce: “He is merciful because through his own sufferings and trials he can sympathize

with [ours]; he is because he endured to the end without faltering.” (Hebrews


o (4:14)

 William Johnsson: “Our faith rests on something solid, on Someone. . . . We have a great high

priest in heaven, and He guarantees that what we profess isn’t a matter of feeling or

philosophy, of speculation or possibility. At the heart of our religions stands a Man, and His

name is Jesus—a Man, but much more, for He is God’s Son!” (Hebrews 103)

• Two adverbs about the High Priest’s actions in Hebrews:

o Saves

Desire of Ages: “The Lord would be so bountiful to His human family that it could not be said

of Him that He could do more. In the gift of Jesus, God gave all heaven. . . . The atonement

for a lost world was to be full, abundant, and complete. Christ’s offering was exceedingly

abundant to reach every soul that God had created. . . . There must be enough and to spare.”


o Intercedes

Amazing Grace: “As our Intercessor, His office work is to introduce us to God as His sons and

daughters. Christ intercedes in behalf of those who have received Him. . . . And the Father

demonstrates His infinite love for Christ, who paid our ransom with His blood, by receiving and

welcoming Christ’s friends as His friends.” (68)

• Our merciful, faithful and great High Priest is interceding for us in order that He might save

us forever. Therefore, “my is my .”

“Magnificence in the Middle”

• At Calvary: John 19:18—“There they crucified Him, and with him two others—one on each side and

Jesus in the .”

• In Heaven: Hebrews 7:25

o John 16:26, 27—“The Father Himself you.” (John 3:16; Romans 8:32, 38-39)

o Zechariah 3:1-4—We do need an Intercessor to convince God on our behalf—we need an

Intercessor to silence on our behalf.

o 1 John 2:1,2—“My dear children, if anybody does sin, we have an advocate [ ] with

the Father—Jesus Christ, the atoning sacrifice for our sins and the sins of the whole world.”

“My Intercessor and My Friend”

(Flyer, TV, Google search, name of person who invited you, etc.)
March 9 Meeting of Adventist Seniors of Michiana

Are you looking forward to Spring? Seniors 55 years and up are invited to the ASM meeting at the Village Church Fellowship Hall March 9 at 1:00 PM Daylight Savings Time. Don’t forget the time change that day! After the potluck, Dr Lois Burn will present “Joy thru Gardening”. Come for a master class in staying healthy and happy as gardening task resume this spring. Call Cheryl Doss at 269-277-0767 with any questions.

Offering for March 1, 2025

Pioneer Operating Budget

Author Melvin Santos Speaking: Several years ago, I was studying the subject of motivation and motivational factors that drive people. Some people will use reward or threat to get people to respond such as receiving a paycheck or getting fired. Others use fear and guilt. They create fear of losing something if they don’t act. Some are motivated by statistical measures and defined goals that provide them with a clear benchmark to strive towards. However, I discovered that all these are low-level motivators and only short term.

In the spiritual world, the same principles apply when it comes to giving tithes and offerings. The highest motivation should be our love for Christ in response to His love for us! This stems from a deep, personal connection and commitment that far outweighs any other incentives. “We belong to God; we are His sons and daughters—His by creation, and His by the gift of His only-begotten Son for our redemption. ‘Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price: therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's’” (Counsels on Stewardship, p.72). We give our offerings not to pay for His sacrifice. It wouldn’t even come close, but to show our love for Him.

North American Division Stewardship Ministries

Academy Day March 4

All eighth-grade students are invited to attend Academy Day on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Come and see the exciting programs Andrews Academy offers and experience one day with us. Lunch will be served, and T-shirts and prizes will be given. Registration is in the gym from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM. Activities will conclude by 3:15 PM. Call 269-471-3138 to RSVP or with any questions you may have.

Ruth Murdoch Elementary School Visitor's Day

Students who will be in the 1st through 8th grades next school year are invited to visit Ruth Murdoch Elementary School on March 4. Make friends, meet teachers and have fun!

  • Grades 1–6: 8:15 AM–11:30 AM
  • Grades 7–8: 8:15 AM–3:30 PM

Parents, please call 269-471-3225 to register.

RMES Kindergarten Parent Night and Kindergarten Visitor's Day

Parents with students who will be five years old by Sept. 1, 2025, are invited to come meet our Kindergarten teacher, tour the classroom and school, enjoy refreshments, meet other Kindergarten parents, etc. Please call us at 269-471-3225 to let us know you are coming!  March 10 6:00 PM. Kindergarten Visitor's Day is the next morning, March 11!

Master Guide Club

Do you want to complete your Master Guide Program? If so, please consider joining the Master Guide Club that meets weekly on campus to help you complete the requirements.

For more information or to join, please visit

Care for Cuba

A group of students from Andrews University are preparing to embark on a life-changing mission in March of 2025. They will engage in evangelism, health care, and community outreach in Cuba. This mission trip has been going on for 11 years, and the impact has been tremendous, thanks to your help. Would you support this mission once again by donating right here in your church or give at Thank you for your prayers as they prepare to send off students to serve and share Jesus!